Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spring break 2010 is over

i'm not gunna pretend like i have a life, cuz y start now butttt let me tell you my spring break was awesome. I didn't do anything interesting but I def. enjoyed my mental safari... minus the depression, feeling of hopelessness, loneliness, verbal diarrhea, reclusive (or sexclusive as i like to call it) tendencies.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

a day without shoes

how is not wearing shoes for one god damn day supposed to help anyone or raise awareness that everyone can’t afford shoes. they don’t wear shoes because they’re busy starving you fucks. don’t worry you can go "back to wearing Prada after one day." (S.I page 1 of 1) (ARE YOU HAPPY)

p.s I think Toms are ugly and I know i’m the only one who thinks this. (this isn't an april fools, i really think this. ) i???? k yeah i do.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

hopefully my schedule will be better fall10 than this spring disaster

Thursday, March 25, 2010

That lesbian Justin Bieber.

I live a life of secret shittiness except its not a secret. I'm unwilling to change my ways. HOW DEEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. I"M SO DEEEP. GIVE ME ATTENTION. look at me, IM A UNIQUE PIECE OF SHIT. We're all snowflakes, just some snowflakes are better than others and aesthetically pleasing. my nice way of saying some snowflakes are ugly as shit. or (ugly as sin, though i never understood the personification of sin") but whatever. Sin could be gorgeous. Sin could be a pretty pageant gurl getting her hair did. Where was I going with this. oh yeah, absolutely nowhereeeeeee. (Saint Nowhere-remember the metallica album that failed "So hard" cuz that bitch Lars took napster down. what a fuck. No one was dl-ing your shit besides "Sandman"....girl plz. You should listen to Kelis. She has a baby and all and divorced Nas (probably from bringing all the boys to her married ass yard) and wants a shit ton of child support money. She is totally better than that lesbian Justin Bieber. Oh baby baby. Ludacris is sooooo desperate and riding on the coat tails of my Justin lezbur. For reals. Luda you kwayze.

SPRING BREAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. I don't know why I'm so excited. Even though I'm doing nothing, school will forever be on my mind. I can't turn it offfff. I have a physics exam when I get back and two research papers to do in micro and biostats.

I'm all for universal health care. The bill passed but i still don't know what the fuck its all about, and I'm PRETTY FUCKING SURE NO ONE else DOES. but yay? it passed the house? For all I know, IT MIGHT REALLY HAVE DEATH PANELS. WHICH WOULD BE AWESOME. I'd like to submit my list to the panel. I'm weary, and you should be too.

good night my dedicated 1 reader. singular. you know who you are and I love you for reading this because "PEOPLE DON"T GET ME CUZ I"M SUPER INDIE. So indie it hurts to breathe. no really, my lungs are perforated or something. call 911

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

sandra bullock

Um... sandra bullock doesn't need to be comforted by her fellow costars cuz she can do that shit with her OSCAR. ya. plus he was an (ALLEGED)ugly "nazi" piece of shit. that last part is fact.

so tired, so burnt out. facebook is so not conducive to homework.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

excuse me

mentally i'm on spring break but i have one more week and two midterms. I'm burnt out. !!!!!!! ugh no more fucking studying. biostats can suck a cavernous vagino.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

for the fortunate few

For the very fortunate few who are studying abroad. Fuck you.

Monday, March 15, 2010

this has got to be the shittest paper I've ever written. I feel sorry for whoever has to read this gar-BAUGE (i'm so french). I APOLOGIZE. I"M SORRY. OKAY. I"M SO SORRY. If I could take it back, you know I would baby, but(t) i gotta turn somethang in and unfortunately its this pile of flaming turd.(like really, its on fire right now.) THou my profuse apologies will do nothing for [said] graders wasted time, take comfort in knowing i spent many hours making up shit and employing circular logic and bunch of other logical fallacies that i was taught neva to use. like no joke my paper is the scourge of the Earth. not the (cool undead) WoW scourge either. The scourge that causes infectious diseases like bubonic plague. Much akin to a metastasising cancerous growth. just like that Rihanna song "So hard" but instead my paper is "So baddddd" (OKAY LOL) I lost it on that one, compsure. Eddie. Keep it together. This sleep deprived state will soon pass. I have approx 4 more pages to do as I write this... as in my paper can get exponentially more shitty. How troubling.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

i have a sweet tooth & that sweet tooth is diabetes.
